I have a student who is just. not. progressing. in Reading.
No matter what I do, or what the other teachers do for him...it's so frustrating!! And he's such a sweet kid.
Anyway, he's FINALLY making it through RTI, and now I have to do IPST paperwork on him.
Well, one of the things they want to use as a monitor/comparative data is his Fry Words (as a comparative to the other students).
So I gave him a test quick word list test.
He did not even pass the first 100.
So...I took the first 300 Fry Words and made them into fun little flashcards that I can incorporate into all kinds of games.
(I made them these CUTE dinosaurs that Kirsten just posted the other day - HAD to have them :)
all 3 dino sets for $1 (the first 300 words)
I also have just a blank set if you want that :)
Grab it {HERE} for free!!
And there's a Sight Word Linky going on over at April's :)
I MAY be double posting today, because I want to do a giveaway in honor of reaching 500 followers!! wowwy, wow, wow!! I am beyond words that that many people would want to hear (read) what I have to say!

This is great Jen! I have several students who would benefit from this. It always seems like the sweets kids are the ones that are just sooo far behind. Sometimes it is hard to know how to even help them. I have some awesome co-workers who have really helped me this year with some of my struggling kiddos!
I bought that Dino clip art too! It was too cute not to get it ;)
Teaching, Learning, & Loving
I saw your Dino set a couple of days (maybe yesterday actually...hehehe) on TPT...SOOOOOO STINKIN CUTE!!!!
The 3AM Teacher
Hi Jen:
You'll probably never know how much you help other teachers...
I have a SIXTH grader who cannot read/spell those words. I have been promising her mom some "high frequency word flash cards"... and you just saved me lots and LOTS of work!
Thank you so much for sharing your creations. I'm doing a little happy dance in your honor!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
oh wow Kim!! Thank you! And I'm so sorry for that kid :(
Thanks for these!
And congrats on 500!!!!!!!!! You really deserve it!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Hey Jen...You are a maniac on TpT now! Congrats! and 500...woo-hooo! I am so excited for you.
Thanks for the feedback on my house. I appreciate your story. We had to pay two giant mortgages for a few months until our california house sold...NO fun. That's why we haven't been looking at anything. When we get an offer we will actually go look at houses. Until then NOT getting into that mess again!
So glad it all worked out for you!
love ya!!!
These are so cute!!! Congrats on reaching 500 !!!! HOw exciting! You rock!
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A Teacher's Treasure
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