So, I wanted to share with you the talent of one of my bloggy-friends...
She is WICKED good with words and can come up with any title you need, or poem you need for a theme or subject....
She has all these poem packs, and I used her Monsterly Good Poems
You know how I love using poems for fluency and phonics...
but this week, instead of using a phonics poem from the scholastic book like my visual plans said I was going to, we worked on adjectives and reading for detail...
They had to go through and find all the adjectives,
then their illustration had to have each of the details from the poem in it - it was VERY descriptive, so they really had to "check off" when they drew each component...
Some of my kids have a hard time following directions/reading directions,
so this was a good activity for them.
I just love all her viles and test tubes!
Her cauldron is see-through so you can see all her details - love!
Make sure you check her out - she's great!
Also, it seems to be that a lot of you are doing hibernation and bear type activities right around now...
I don't really do it until Feb/March time because so much of it talks about cold weather, and being in FL, my kids just don't grasp "cold" until around Jan/Feb, so I do mine as a Spring-time activity...
I revisited my Bear Snores On pack and updated it...
I added 15 more pages and changed some pages around with what was already there...
It was one of my first packs, and while I still love what's in it, I wanted to update it and add some more activities.
Here is what it had....
This pack uses Bear Snores on (as well as Bear Feels Scared). It also teaches about hibernation. Activities include:
SequencingTree Map - is, can, do for both Bear in the story and nonfiction bears
Vocabulary Cards for the story
Picture Dictionary
Label a Bear with caption activity
Show what you know!
Compare and contrast - spring/winter bears and two different books
Writing extensions
Noun and Verb sort with cut and paste activity
And here is what I added to it....
Now includes extra vocabulary cards for hibernation unitBear Facts writing pages
Extra Story Review Pages
Updated Sorting Center
And today, while doing the weather analysis page from our Numbers Every Day pack....
I realized that the "Least" weather will always be "Snowy" for us Floridians, because we will NEVER have snow...
I added a 2nd version of the weather analysis page to the pack for the people who never get a snowy day...
And, I will say that I am really jealous of that....
BUT, when you're tired of snow, I'll still be able to do THIS:
Yep - that's me and girls today after work....
I had a really bad day today, and the hubs was working, so there was not TGIF with the friends for me...
and there was no bootcamp today...
BUT, there is always the beach!!
I mean, just LOOK how beautiful it could I NOT go and play??
I didn't have a change of clothes, not towels, not toys, but that's ok -
and yes, A headed STRAIGHT for the water. And B was
My little water-babies!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Thanks for the shout out. LOVE the pics they drew with their poems :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilities!
Sorry you had a bad day, but it looks like there's nothing better than being with those babies! Great adjective writing, we need more of that!
Amy Howbert
Little Miss Organized
So jealous that you are able to just go to the beach after school. No beaches in Ohio and we did see snow this week. NO ONE can drive when it snows. 25 min. drive turned into 60. :(
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